(Valencia, California) – Gantom Lighting & Controls is partnering with several IAAPA vendors in an interactive scavenger hunt that demonstrates the new Torch Technology versatility.

Gantom Torch
Gantom Torch

Torch Technology
Gantom’s Torch Technology (2016 Thea Award Recipient for Outstanding Achievement — Technology, Limited Budget) provides designers with a palate for light based magic. IR beacons placed throughout a venue transmit live show data to a localized area. Torch modules coming into range of the transmitter synchronize to the local show data. As guests travel from one space to the next, the receivers they carry synchronize with the show data in each space the instant they walk in.

The Next Stage of Torch Technology
“Every single day we work to ‘Illuminate and Inspire’ the future of themed entertainment,” explains Quan Gan Founder and President of Gantom Lighting & Controls.

“ZTag is the Next Stage of Torch Technology,” Quan explains further, “ZTag removes the barriers to Torch Technology usage and provides an off-the-shelf turnkey solution to add new interactivity to any environment or attraction- all while acting as an additional profit center!”


How ZTag Works
Guests wear IR badges that interact not only with the environment but each other. In one off-the-shelf version of ZTag, guests experience a real life zombie infection outbreak by searching for the virus cure while avoiding getting infected; players can infect each other and work together in teams to find the cure. In another off-the-shelf version, guests embark on a scavenger hunt and unlock additional experiences or prizes once they find all the checkpoints. The ZTag investment cost is low, and the system acts as a profit center for the attraction through souvenir sales.

The Scavenger Hunt
IAAPA Attractions Expo participants will test out the ZTag System through a scavenger hunt organized by Gantom and several other show vendors. Participants will begin at the Gantom’s booth (858) by checking out badges and then proceed to locate at least five checkpoints at other booths on the trade show floor. Once participants complete the scavenger hunt, their badges will turn white. White badges will automatically unlock prizes and experiences at the Gantom booth.

Participating Vendors
Techni-Lux – 2056, Oceaneering – 2286, Themed Entertainment Association (TEA) – 1366, Alcorn McBride Inc. – 869, Visual Terrain, Inc. – 1971, Rides 4 U – 5820, ETC – 571, InPark Magazine – 1764, Pale Night Productions – 1352, Veqtor – 1865

Business Relations Director
Philip Hernandez, Philip@gantom.com