Darkilght is excited to announce a new relationship formed with SESCO Lighting, Inc., the largest and most successful lighting manufacturers’ representative company in the United States. SESCO’s representation covers most of the US southeast region including Florida, Georgia, Alabama, Mississippi, and Tennessee. We are encouraged by this relationship and have set our sights on specified installations in professional entertainment and architectural applications.

SESCO Overview

SESCO Lighting, Inc. is the largest and most successful lighting manufacturers’ representative company in the United States. We have been promoting and selling lighting products on behalf of manufacturers at the wholesale – not retail – level since 1967.

SESCO’s clientele includes:

  • electrical contractors
  • electrical distributors
  • architects
  • landscape architects
  • electrical consulting engineers
  • lighting designers
  • interior designers
  • municipal and governmental agencies
  • developers
  • large building owners
  • service/manufacturing corporations

Representing more than 75 lighting manufacturers from around the world, SESCO is a world-leader in the commercial and industrial sale of lighting and lighting controls. Contact us today for help meeting your commercial and industrial lighting needs.

To find out more, please visit http://www.sescolighting.com/